
Showing posts from March, 2023

classification of operating System

  Types of Operating System: There are many different Operating Systems. But operating systems are mainly classified in several categories. These are the following – 1)       Single user and single tasking operating system   2)       Single user and multitasking operating system 3)       Multiuser multitasking Operating System   1) Single user single tasking operating system: This operating system is very popular on personal computers. In this system one user works on a machine at a time. One program can be executed at a time. So this operating system is known as ‘Single user operating system’. If you have a large number of jobs to be executed on such a system, then you have to execute them one after another in sequence. For example: Input and output devices like the printer are very slow as compared to the speed of a CPU. When, you give the printing command a CPU reads a file containing data and sends it to the printer. As the speed of the printer is very slow the CPU

Functions of Operating System

  Functions of Operating System: There are many functions those are performed by the operating system, but the main goal of operating system is to provide the interface between the user and the hardware means provides the interface for working on the system by the user. The various functions those are performed by the operating system, these are the following:- 1)       Input/ Output device management: In a process program takes an input and then produces an output. It takes the input through input devices and produces output through output devices. Thus, it has to handle input and output devices during program execution. It is very tedious to write instructions to directly handle the input and output devices through the user program. Therefore operating system provides device driver to handle input and output devices. Programmers can user these derivers in their program to control the input/output devices. The interaction of the program with the device drivers is via an operatin

What is an operating System

  What is an operating System?             An operating system is an essential component of a computer system. The primary objectives of an operating system are to make computer system suitable to use and utilized computer hardware. An operating system is a program designed to run other programs on a computer. A computer’s operating system is its most important program. It is considered the backbone of a computer, managing both software and hardware resources. Operating systems are responsible for everything from the control and allocation of memory to recognizing input from external devices and transmitting output to computer displays. They also manage files on computer hard drives and control peripherals, like printers and scanners. The operating system of a large computer system has even more work to do. Such operating systems monitor different programs and users, making sure everything runs smoothly, without interference, despite the fact that numerous devices and programs are us